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Termites – Common Types, Lifecycle & More

Termites are known to feed on cellulose, which they derive from wood and paper. Their social connections resemble that of bees and ants. In Merriam, coming across termites is really easy, and it is common to see termites even inside homes. 

While termites have nothing to do with ants, they still are referred to as “white ants.” Termites are tiny insects that infest homes in large numbers and need to be taken care of as soon as one notices them. They also have a wide range of species. 

Subterranean termites are known to build mud tubes, which is how they get inside structures. Dampwood and drywood termites are known to live inside structures (wooden). Termites do a lot of damage, and detecting them is not easy. Sometimes, you only get to know about their presence after they have already inflicted much damage. 

There are also species of termites that got transported to different regions from where they were living naturally. This is done by humans as they are carried to other parts of the world. You can contact Merriam pest control to learn about possible controlling methods.

What are the common types?

The common types include drywood, subterranean, and dampwood termites. They are different from each other in some respects; let us have a closer look at these types:

  • Drywood termites:

They live in the structure they feed on and do not emerge from the soil. Since they are known to live inside the wooden structure, it is not easy to get them in control. If you want to prevent their infestation, you can use chemically treated wood when the construction or renovation is taking place. 

Paint and some other things can also be used to fix the same. If you want to bring them under control effectively, then consider going with fumigation. You can also use insecticides for the same and put them into holes that you make in infested wood by drilling. 

  • Subterranean termites:

These termites require moisture to thrive. They get inside houses through foundations by making their way up through mud tubes. You can also use insecticide, put it in a shallow trench, and use soil to get it covered. This will help, especially when you see crevices and holes. 

Monitoring stations have also been used recently. Once the termite station is there, you can use a wooden bait and get it replaced with something that contains cellulose. Chitin inhibitors are also something that can be consumed by the worker termites and eventually kill the entire colony. 

This happens when those workers return to their colony with a chitin inhibitor in their system. A concrete foundation can be used to prevent their infestation, too.

  • Dampwood termites:

As the name suggests, they prefer living spaces that are damp and contain moisture. If there is any wood that is damp and destructed, you are likely to find them there. In order to get these termites in control, you can use a dehumidifier.

What does the life cycle of termites look like?

The colony of termites is exceptionally social and organized. There is also a division of labor as to who will do what. Every termite has some role to play. The common castes in termites include soldier castes and worker castes. Worker termites can either be males or females. 

Primary and secondary reproductive types are present in termites. The small ones are called nymphs, and they can grow into any of the three different castes. If there is any member from a particular group that dies, then the new nymphs will balance it. 

Furthermore, if any caste is getting overpopulated, then cannibalism is what takes place. Pheromones play an important role in production. Soldier castes in termites secrete the pheromones. It gets transferred when they share food.

Seek help from a professional!

Controlling termite infestation is not as easy as you would think. They are quite stubborn and getting them all out is not going to be easy. However, hiring a professional can make things easier for you.