Human Foods That Are Allowed And Not Allowed For Dogs
People who love dogs share their food with them. But many of the foods, like vegetables, and fruits can cause havoc on their body, and lead to severe health issues. On the other side, there are some foods that human eat can be given to a dog without any worries.
In fact, those foods offer health benefits in the form of promoting joint strength, allergy immunity, and better breath. So let us talk about what human foods can dogs eat and what they can’t eat.
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No. Dogs are not allowed to eat almonds. It can prove to be toxic to dogs. It can block the esophagus and can even tear his windpipe if he doesn’t chew it completely. Salted almonds are riskier as they can lead to water retention, and can make them prone to heart disease.
Yes. Dogs are allowed to eat bread that is plain and in small amounts. However, your dog would not get any benefits from eating it. With no nutritional value, he can accumulate carbs and calories. Prefer homemade bread over store-bought, as it doesn’t contain unnecessary preservatives.
Yes. Dogs are allowed to eat cashews as they are a good source of calcium, antioxidants, magnesium, and proteins. As these nuts are high in fats, do not feed too much as it can result in weight gain and obesity. Prefer unsalted cashews over salted ones.
Yes. Dogs are allowed to eat cheese in little to moderate amounts. Before you feed him cheese, ensure that he isn’t lactose intolerant. Opt for the kind of cheese that is low in fat, such as mozzarella or cottage cheese. You can also find dog-specific cheese on the market too.
No. Dogs are not allowed to eat chocolates as they contain methylxanthines which is a toxic substance that stimulates the metabolic process of a dog and bring it to halt. Dark chocolate is seen to cause diarrhea, irregular heart function, vomiting, seizures, and even death.
No. Dogs are not allowed to eat cinnamon. This is because it can irritate the interior region of dogs’ mouths, which can make them sick and uncomfortable.
It can even lead to reduced blood sugar, diarrhea, increased, or decreased heart rate, vomiting, and liver disease. Inhaling the powdered form of cinnamon can result in troubled breathing, choking, and coughing.
Yes. Dogs are allowed to eat coconut in moderate amounts in the form of coconut milk and coconut oil. It contains lauric acid that helps combat viruses and bacteria and can assist with bad breath. It is also effective in clearing up skin conditions that include flea allergies, itchy skin, and hot spots.
Now that you have known the foods that you can provide to your dog, ensure that they are of superior quality. Feeding the right foods will keep your dog healthy, fit and happy always.