What to avoid in your diet
Diet is not only about limiting calories consumed. Diet is looking at what is on the plate and what should not be on it. In the era of wide access to food, the choice can be difficult, it requires prudence and reading the labels on the packaging. Check what to eat to provide your body with nutrients instead of harmful substances.
Limit sugar – in food and drinks
Sugar is a deceptive taste. He is the first one that a man meets and who, as liked, stays with him for years. No wonder that people are eager to come back to it, reaching for bars, cookies, and chocolate. From time to time, sugar does not hurt, it is needed by the body , but the excess of sweet snacks and grabbing them under any pretext has disastrous effects on the body .
This applies to sweets as well as carbonated drinks , sports drinks, the so-called energy and fruit drinks . Although advertised as fruit-based, it contains extremely large amounts of sugars, often up to 45%. Do not be influenced by fruit on the packaging,fruit juices are sweetened and 0.5 liters of apple or orange juice can contain up to 12-14 teaspoons of sugar.
This is the amount not usually sweetened with all teas or coffees during the day. Just think how quickly you drink half a liter of juice, sometimes even several times a day, and count the sugar consumed in this way.
Really healthy snacks
The craving for sweet can be satisfied with healthy snacks that provide the body with essential nutrients. We are talking about really healthy snacks, because it is easy to fall for products that advertise this slogan.
All granola, oat bars, muesli , muesli bars, 0% yogurt is a trap. When you read deeper into their ingredients, it is easy to notice that they are not sugar-free and low-calorie , but contain large amounts of a sweet additive. Even if the bar contains oatmeal, it is very beneficial for the daily diet in itself, in combination with sugar they lose their value. The belief that such snacks are healthy often increases body fat.
Instead of such snacks, it is better to reach for something healthier: fresh fruit , baked fruit with a pinch of cinnamon, e.g. apples, dark chocolate (2 cubes a day are beneficial for the body), fruit, vegetable and fruit and vegetable cocktails.
The desire for sweets can also be satisfied with vegetables, especially sweeter ones, such as carrots, beets, pumpkins. You can eat salads from them for afternoon tea , replace them with hearty dinners or prepare them for lunch. They will provide the body with many valuable vitamins and minerals .
Change the fats you eat
Many people are afraid of fats in the diet, living in the belief that even a small amount of them is a step towards overweight and fat build-up. It is often forgotten that there are fats and fats. Some products contain unfavorable , harmful fats , other beneficial fats , which should be a regular part of the diet.
In addition, it is important that the complete exclusion of fat from the menu, as well as any necessary element, has a detrimental effect on the body , blocks its processes and weakens the entire body.
In the course of many years of research, the most beneficial fatty acids are omega-3 and omega-6. They can be found in many products that should be permanently included in the menu, including avocado, sea fish, rapeseed oil, olive oil. They are not low-calorie products , but this is also their value.
Olive oil can be added to salads, and avocado can be used to make a tasty spread for sandwiches with a bit of good health spices: paprika, curry, turmeric. The calorific value of these products is valuable because they are digested for longer, which means that they provide a feeling of fullness for a much longer time.
Just as much omega-3 fats it is found in pits and seeds. They can be added to soups, salads, or eaten as afternoon tea, but not exceeding ½ cup a day. The best sources of acids are sunflower and pumpkin seeds, walnuts, sesame seeds or linseed. The advantage of a large amount of products with omega-3 acids in the diet is also their anti-inflammatory effect, allowing you to avoid colds, inflammations and even stop abdominal obesity .
Say stop to fast food
In theory, everyone is aware that fast food should not be included in a healthy menu. You need to turn theory into practice. Occasional eating of a kebab, hamburger or pizza does not end in a tragedy for the body, but eating them only or eating too often consisting of such dishes is poisoning your body.
There are no nutrients in fast food, as in alcohol. Both contribute to overweight, flushing out vitamins and minerals from the body, deposition of fats in the veins, which can lead to venous congestion and the development of abdominal obesity.
Vegetables in your daily diet
There are very few vegetables that should be excluded from your diet. Usually, their removal from the menu results from individual characteristics of the organism or allergies. Dietitians’ recommendations on what to avoid and what they do not emphasize that vegetables should not be particularly limited due to the richness of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients they contain.
First of all, vegetables are low in calories and a lot of minerals, vitamins and water. They perfectly fill the stomach and provide a feeling of fullness for a longer time, especially those with a high content of dietary fiber. By replenishing vitamins and minerals, vegetables help to control the feeling of hunger, which often results from the lack of basic nutrients and minerals.